Saturday, February 6, 2016

Brielle's Development (Three!)

My sweet second-born turned three at the end of January. 

Personality: It's extremely hard for me to put a finger on her personality. But I love it. She's super sweet, which is one of my favorite things about her :) She is always willing to share with her sisters. She helps Lyla clean her hands and helps her down the steps. She talks sweetly to her when she's sad. She will just sit on an adult's lap quietly for a long time. I love it. She also has a crazy side, where she'll jump off things or spin in circles or stand on top of things. She's still messy, but that is getting better. She loves being with family... she's definitely more of a homebody and more shy than her sisters. She typically prefers being with adults over kids, but she does enjoy doing things with Sophie. She started taking swim lessons with her this past month, and she loves them.

Talking: She has grown so much in this area in the last half year, and that's one of my favorite things about keeping track of my girls' growth. I didn't even realize how much she had grown until I looked back! She talks in regular sentences for the most part now. She does say funny things, like:
"I are up."
"She helped we."
"Her sitting here next to we."

Cute/funny quotes:
Brielle: "Will you feed me, Sophie?"
Sophie: "No, ask Brielle."
Brielle: "I asked Brielle if she would feed me and her said no."

Looking up a tree: "Woodpecker, come down! I hold you!"

Brielle, talking to Daddy: "Your beard is getting on."

Potty: I wouldn't have even thought to put anything on here about this one, except 6 months ago we were having regression issues, and I just want to happily share that she's been doing great for a really long time that I in fact forgot we had had regression issues. She wears a diaper at nap and nighttime and probably wakes up dry from nap time about half the time. 

Education: Brielle learned all her colors in the last 6 months, and she seriously just woke up one day and knew them all! It was amazing and really good for me to see that she is learning even when it doesn't seem like it, and it will all click at the right time. She must have just heard us talk about colors   and collected the information in her mind, and by time it clicked, she knew them all. She still doesn't know her ABCs or numbers really, but I don't worry about it anymore. She loves songs, and she sings "This is My Father's World," and I think it's so sweet. She also loves "It's Bubbling'" and "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." She is really great at locations. She goes somewhere one time, such as a hospital to visit her nephew who was just born, and she remembers the next time we pass it (several weeks later) that that was where he was born. She knows when we are going to grandma's house even before we get to her road. She recognizes grandpa's truck from far away. She knows how we get to the YMCA. I love how she has a special memory for locations. She dresses herself on her own and only occasionally needs help.

Sleep: She takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon still, although she occasionally doesn't take it. She is my earliest riser, which is crazy... because she used to sleep in until like 9! She now wakes up around 7:30. She typically goes to bed at 8:30, although she doesn't always go to sleep right away (she and Sophie love to talk). She's my snuggle bug and loves to join me in bed once Daddy leaves for work in the morning.

She loves taking people's phones and taking pictures. She's still working on her selfie skills :p 

For her birthday this year, we decided to keep it low key. We went to the circus with my family which was something we planned to do together anyways, but it worked out well that it was right before her birthday, so it was also like a birthday outing :) Otherwise, we just had a little family celebration with her favorite food and cake and a couple of gifts.

Brielle's Interview:
What's your favorite food? Watermelon
What's your favorite thing to play with? Kitchen
What's your favorite movie or show? Sophia and Minnie Mouse and Strawberry Cake
What's your favorite song? The Fruit of the Spirit
What's your favorite book? Brown Bear, Brown Bear
What's your favorite color? Purple
What's your favorite Bible story? In the beginning Bible verse
What do you like to do with Sophie? Play with her outside
What do you like to do with Lyla? Outside
What do you want to do when you get older? Go to Alan's house!
What's your favorite animal? A lion
Who're your best friends? Mommy and Sophie (aw, I love this kid)
What makes you happy? Going upstairs and playing with the blocks.
What makes you sad? When someone takes something from me.
What are you really good at? Making pizza!

Loves: Home, tic tacs, fruit, trains, her family, swim lessons, jumping off the top bunk onto a mattress, playing with her baby dolls

Dislikes: Going somewhere without mommy, daddy, or sisters, not getting her way, Sophie bossing her around or bothering her

Weight: 32 pounds, 38 inches


  1. Her and Sophie are starting to look so much alike!!!

    1. They looked SO different as babies, so it's crazy how much more alike they look now!
